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Receiving the International Certificate of Customer Satisfaction Measurement Standard: ISO 10004

Receiving the International Certificate of Customer Satisfaction Measurement Standard: ISO 10004
2020-12-01 852

Continuing the path of achieving maximum customer satisfaction, Arka choob succeeded in receiving the International Certificate of Customer Satisfaction Measurement Standard (ISO 10004: 2018). This standard has been developed to design, plan and perform the process of monitoring and measuring customer satisfaction and emphasizes on the customer satisfaction index (CSI), which is a desirable index and a mixture of different parameters to measure customer satisfaction. An organization that obtains ISO 10004 certification shows that with a political, systematic and principled thinking, it manages its weaknesses and uses their customers’ opinions to turn them into strengths and even to recognizing its strengths and the company makes the stronger strengths and takes steps to increase customer satisfaction. In fact companies that have received ISO 10004 certification show that customer satisfaction is at the forefront of their work in the processes of the production.

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